søndag 4. november 2012

1st Company Sternguard and Vanguard


I do not have any pictures on the sternguards that I have :(
I'll just have to tell you guys what I'm planing to do and who I have allready.

As you guys know I allready have 3 squads of Terminators and 1 on the making. I do not know if I should make another one or just have 4 squads of Terminators, 3 Sternguard and 3 Vanguard.
But for now I'll just have 3 Sternguard and 2 Vanguard.

I've allready finnished with 1 squad of Sternguards.
(GW Sternguards ) GW only sells finecast now. The ones that I got are metal ones. Some people like the metal better, but if you drop them there is a probability that they will shatter were you have glued them. Pro's and con's y'know :)
There is one little thing that I do to metal figures. The thing is that I make a 0.4-5mm hole on the different parts of the metal figure, then I use a metal pipe with the same measurements and "connect" the two pieces together. That reinforces the figure sommewhat. It is time comsuming, but highly effective for holding the figure together. I do the same to Forge World figures. I'll do a tutorial on that in the future, when I get home (if I get home, hehe)

The other squads that I got are this ones, all in metal. Haven't even primed them yet.

GW Sternguard Ver.02

GW Sternguard Ver.03

GW Vanguard

Sorry for not having any real pictures of the veterans. So as a little band aid for your troubles I'll show you guys sommething I've tinkering with.
Here are some picts of an unfinished Mechanicum Razorback that is going to be attached to the Hawk Lords Master of the Forge.

I used a Stormraven turret to act as the turret for the Razorback. I thought since it's a Mechanicum Razorback there would be no problem in mingling the turrets.
The Razorback does have some more work left. I want the turret to have some LED light in the cockpit where the servitor is, or to be more precise, from behind the servitor. I do have all the material to make it work, the only thing I do not have is time :)
The other thing is a minor touch of paint. Some detail and some weathering that I haven't done yet.
I'll post more pictures when the Razorback is ready.

Next up...
2nd Company Captain and Chaplain.

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