mandag 5. november 2012

2nd Company Captain and Chaplain

Here is the 2nd Company Captain and Chaplain.
Captain Ephaesus Septimus is the one leading the second.
Chaplain Chronus Elijah is attached to the second as its "spiritual guide"
I also have a Techmarine and the Command Squad of veterans with the Apothecary (that's the next up)
I have 2 versions of Captain Septimus. One that he looks kinda young and the other he is well, a little older :) Guess he has been on the Second a loong time.

Anyway, here are the pics.

This is Cap. Septimus (young version)

And this is the Cap's older self.

The older version was one of my first figures to paint, that's why he looks kinda odd. Why odd? As you can see the cap does not have a lot of highlight and the highlight he has is kinda crappy. I also glued his arms to his body. That is sommething I wouldn't do on any new plastic HQ figures. Magnets would have been the answer. Guess you learn from your mistakes.
And learning new stuff and techniques is one thing that I like about this hobby. There is always sommething new to learn and as you go you can see some kind of personal progress in the things that you do. The only thing is that you gotta be patiente, this does not happen overnight ;)

Now, here is the Chaplain!

Chaplain Chronus Elijah. What to say about this one, hmm.... I just love this figure. It was the first Chapalin that I painted and he was the HQ in the first game of warhammer that I ever played in. Well, I like him so much because he was the only one left standing. so in my eyes he has earned the respect of his battle brothers and the Emperor, haha :D

Next up....
2nd Company Techmarine and Command Squad

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