fredag 3. august 2012

Hawk Lords Space Marine Chapter

Hiya! PJ here!
This blog is about my Space Marines from the Warhammer 40k universe.
I started with this hobby about two years ago and didn't knew much about warhammer when I was first introduced to it.
I only knew that I was supposed to pick a race (Eldar, ImperialGuard, Orks...) and a color scheme. I went for the regular Space Marines while my brother picked the Space Wolves. As for the color scheme I went trough the codex for some inspiration and found something that cought my eye. That was a Space Marine from the Hawk Lords chapter and I was sold.

Well, two years have passed and my army has grown exponentially. I have allready finished the 2nd company (that is 108 marines and 2 Dreadnoughts) and has started with the 4th and 5th company. Got also a Honour Guard, Command Squad, Dreadnough and some veterans from the 1st company and three 5 man squads of Terminators locked and loaded, ready to give their life for the Emperor. I also got 2 Vindicators ready and 2 more on the way. Got 5 Scouts and another 5 with sniper rifles on the go, only need to paint the bases and voila!

On this blog I'll show you guys how I paint my army. Maybe you'll get inspired and start of your own Hawk Lords army :D

There is not much story on this chapter (unlike the Ultramarines or Imperial Fists) but Wikia has posted the basics. Here ya go:

Here is a picture of my Honour Guard. I won the Norwegian Fang 2012 with these guys. Never thought that I would win this, cos' there were some pretty cool figs on display.

An here are some pics of my Land Speeder Storm, fully loaded with scouts from the 1st Squad of the 10th Company.

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