onsdag 29. august 2012

Hawk Lords 1st. Company HQ

The first company is the veteran company. I tend to follow the Codex Astartes in how my company is constructed. The 1st company is a little different though. I don't have a command squad. The 1st company is composed of the HQ and 10 squads, where there is 5 Terminator Squads and the rest is veteran Sternguards/Vanguards.

The HQ is: Captain Magnus Ferrox, Chaplain Marcellus Tetricus and Librarian Aurelius
Got two versions of the cap. and the chaplain to make. One with terminator armour and one without. Librarian Aurelius got Terminator armour only.
I'm currently working on the figure of the captain with Terminator armour. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the captain and the figure is back home and I'm travelling the world. Guess you guys will have to wait.The chaplain I haven't even primed yet. and it's back home also. The only one I can show u of the HQ is Librarian Aurelius.

This is Librarian Aurelius.

Nex time I'll post the Terminator Squads of the 1st company :D

2 kommentarer:

  1. Your army looks outstanding. I have been painting and playing a blue-gray space marine chapter and am ready to do some purple marines! Your figures are good inspiration.

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words Frogstar! I'm happy that I could inspire you to do a purple army :D Gooooo Purple! I'm gonna post some more pics soon, so come back anytime to take a looksee. Cheers!
