fredag 14. desember 2012

2nd company 1st and 2nd Tactical Squad

Continuing with the Hawk Lords 2nd Company. Here we got the 1st and 2nd tactical squad.
The 1st Squad is Squad Arrowsmith, it is ofcourse led by Brother Sergeant Arrowsmith, he is armed with a bolt pistol and a Power Fist. The special weapons in the squad are a Flamer and a Missile Launcher. Pretty simple, eh?

I used Forge World's Raven Guard decals on the shoulders, but I only did it on this ones since I didn't thought they looked right with the white raven. The Hawk Lord icon is the same, but the color is golden instead of the white or black of the Raven Guard. Anyway, maybe I can paint over the icon. I'll have to try that when I get back home. I equipped this squad with the flamer and the Missile Launcher just to keep points down, The only thing that costs me additional points is the Sergeants Power Fist. This squad is 195 pt. worth.

The 2nd Tactical Squad is Squad Fabricius led by Brother Sergeant Fabricius, I don't have a lot to say about this guy :b

I bought this sergeant on Ebay. It's the one from the Assault on Black Reach starter. Got him with a bunch of snap together marines. The marines are great fill-in. They just snap together with minimum glue and are relatively easy to paint. These guys are cheap as hell, so get them if you are bolstering your company. Ofcourse you do not get to pose them in a series of battle stances, but as I said, they fill the ranks pretty well.

On this ones I skipped the Forge World icons on the Marines, but I used one of those Brass icons on the shoulder pad of the Sergeant. Unfortunately you can't see it because of the angle I took the pictures in.
I've been gluing brass icons on all the Sergeants, Captains and all other HQ in my chapter.
The Brass looks good, but I do have to bend it a little so it can fit on the shoulder plate. After I'm pleased with the result I apply the super glue and voila! An icon in no time. I would have liked to have this little brass monkeys on all my marines, but that is going to cost me mucho dinero. Money that I do not have. Sooooo, maybe Forge World decides to make decals of my golden hawks someday, you never know.
Anyway,the other thing I did was to mark the squad number on to the tactical icon. I don't like how it turned out so I have to do sommething about it. I really havn't figured out what I'll do about the thing, but sommething will be done.

Next up....
2nd Company, 3rd and 4th tactical squad.

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