mandag 3. september 2012

Hawk Lords 1st Company Terminators

Hello oh,ohohohoh
I just came to say hello!
Ahem... Sorry, I was just listening to that one on the radio. I'm in Mexico right now, exploring.
But that's not going to stop me from the casual picture posting of my Hawk Lords.
Now I'm gonna show you guys my First Company Terminators.
The first Company Terminator is composed of Squad Castor, Squad Junius, Squad Agathon, and Squad Claudio.

Hawk Lords Terminator Squad Castor.

Heavy Flamer!

This is brother Sergeant Castor

He is fully magnetized. Even his banner is magnetized.

Squad Junius

And Brother Sergeant Junius. He needs to shave cos' he looks rugged.

One Hawk Lord Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher.

And since the Terminators are fully magnetized, I can change it's Cyclone ML to a regular arm with Storm Bolter or an Assault Cannon. Can even change between power fist or chainfist. Nice!

This is Squad Agathon.

I equiped them with Thunder Hammers

Here are my 3 squads that I have finnished so far.

I still got Squad Claudio. The Terminators are not finnished yet, but they are going to have Lightning Claws.
I forgot to mention that the First Company has two Venerable Dreadnoughts. Venerable  Brother Hyperion and Venerable Brother Catrixx. I have only finnished with Hyperion (Thanks for the gift Number One) and the other isn¨t even primed yet. Sorry, no pictures of the one that is done.

Next up...
Vanguard and Sternguard

1 kommentar:

  1. Great-looking Termies! I've been running a ten man squad with two Cyclone missile launchers - good fun.
    Keep it up!
    Funny that you are exploring Mexico - I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico!
