onsdag 29. august 2012

Hawk Lords 1st. Company HQ

The first company is the veteran company. I tend to follow the Codex Astartes in how my company is constructed. The 1st company is a little different though. I don't have a command squad. The 1st company is composed of the HQ and 10 squads, where there is 5 Terminator Squads and the rest is veteran Sternguards/Vanguards.

The HQ is: Captain Magnus Ferrox, Chaplain Marcellus Tetricus and Librarian Aurelius
Got two versions of the cap. and the chaplain to make. One with terminator armour and one without. Librarian Aurelius got Terminator armour only.
I'm currently working on the figure of the captain with Terminator armour. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of the captain and the figure is back home and I'm travelling the world. Guess you guys will have to wait.The chaplain I haven't even primed yet. and it's back home also. The only one I can show u of the HQ is Librarian Aurelius.

This is Librarian Aurelius.

Nex time I'll post the Terminator Squads of the 1st company :D

fredag 10. august 2012

Hawk Lords Chapter Command

First I'll tell ya about my Chapter Command. It is composed of Chapter Master Maximillian Falco, Master of the Forge Hector Rynor, Chaplain Gladius Numinor And Chief Librarian Azrael. 

Chaplain Gladius Numinor, Hawk Lords Main Chaplain

The Chaplain is the only HQ on the Hawk Lords Chapter Command that
is finnished.

To accompany the Chapter Master into battle I've put together a Honour Guard. It's a ten man squad, but I'm missing one of them cos' I have not been able to find all the pieces to put the last one together. Anyway, this squad won me the Norwegian Fang 2012 so as you can read here I'm kinda proud of them :)

Hawk Lord Chapter Champion!

Chapter Banner Bearer

The cool thing with a majority of my guys is that I'm a sucker for magnets. I magnetized the banner for easy transportation ;)

Well, next time I'll show you the 1st Company. Cheers!

I'm gonna put some more pictures here soon, but first I'll post my very own army list for the Hawk Lords.
I made it on Exel just to keep it simple. But by some mysterious reasons I can't post it here on this blog as an Exel, or even as a PDF file O_o
Anyways, I'll just do it old school and copy-paste it here.

Oki, Change of plans! The copy-paste just overloaded the blog! Sooo I'll scrap that and just post some pics. What ya say!

fredag 3. august 2012

Hawk Lords Space Marine Chapter

Hiya! PJ here!
This blog is about my Space Marines from the Warhammer 40k universe.
I started with this hobby about two years ago and didn't knew much about warhammer when I was first introduced to it.
I only knew that I was supposed to pick a race (Eldar, ImperialGuard, Orks...) and a color scheme. I went for the regular Space Marines while my brother picked the Space Wolves. As for the color scheme I went trough the codex for some inspiration and found something that cought my eye. That was a Space Marine from the Hawk Lords chapter and I was sold.